Terms of Use — elements.wlonk.com
Change Notice: On January 15, 2017, these terms of use were changed to a Creative Commons license.
All works on elements.wlonk.com are copyrighted by Keith Enevoldsen (author/artist).
All copyrighted works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) — this link gives both human-readable and full legal terms of use.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the terms of use on this website:
- These terms of use apply to all of the works on elements.wlonk.com, including all the charts (such as The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures) in all formats, including Adobe PDF files, image files (PNG/GIF) large or small, and HTML pages.
- You may print or photocopy these works, any number of copies, free of charge (donations are appreciated). Do not remove the copyright/website/license notice from the works.
- You may donate to the author/artist via the secure PayPal Donate button if you appreciate the free use of these works.
- You may buy products such as posters from the author/artist's shop at cafepress.com/shop/WlonkShop .
- You may make links to this website, elements.wlonk.com, from other websites. The link may be accompanied by an image, small or large.
- You may give digital or physical copies of these works to other people, free of charge (donations are appreciated).
- You may post digital copies of these works on other websites, free of charge (donations are appreciated). Do not remove the copyright/website/license notice. Your distribution must be freely shared under the same license (CC Attribution-ShareAlike). I prefer that you make a link to my website, rather than posting a copy, because this will ensure that people will get the latest versions and will see the terms of use.
- You may modify, translate to another language, transform,
remix, or build upon these works to make derivative works, free
of charge (donations are appreciated),
if you attribute and share alike. You must retain the copyright/website/license
notice (or equivalent) and you must indicate if you made changes.
Derivative works must be freely shared under the same license (CC
- Please read Making Derivative
if you plan to modify or translate these works.
- Please read Making Derivative
- You may sell or make commercial use of these works. For example, you may post copies on commercial websites, print copies in commercial publications, or make and sell products, such as prints or posters, based on these works. Do not remove the copyright/website/license notice. Commercial usage is free of charge, but I earnestly request that you donate a small part of your profits to the original author/artist. Note: If my secure PayPal Donate button will not fit your commercial purpose (perhaps your payment requires a receipt or invoice) please email me to make another arrangement for payment. Although you may sell products for profit, the digital source for any derivative work must be freely available under the same license (CC Attribution-ShareAlike).
Contact: Keith Enevoldsen, k.enevoldsen@wlonk.com, Seattle, WA, USA.
Privacy statement: This website, elements.wlonk.com, does not collect, save, or share any of your personal information. Purchases from cafepress.com/shop/WlonkShop are covered by the privacy policy of cafepress.com. Emails to me are not shared with anyone.